UN00CB- KG1, KG2
₹5400 – ₹6000
Subjects covered in one year pack:
1. Science, Math, Social, GK, English, Phonics, Regional languages, Writing, Reading, Pronunciation, Communication, Translation, Rhymes, Stories, Activities, Tests and many other important features.
2. Unlimited activities to develop IQ, memory, talents, reasoning, coordination, skills, creativity, writing, reading, communication, translation and many other world class features to ensure the total development of a child.
Technical requirements:
Products are developed for computers with Windows OS. Every software is protected with a password.
No need to install any other software or applications.
Read directions carefully before starting installation.
Validity: 1 Year from the date of installation.
Subjects and Chapters
Writing & pronunciation
Capital and small letter- Writing & pronunciation
Cursive capital & cursive small letter
Letter sounds & word
Vowel rules & words
Letter blending
Word blending
Activities for spelling & pronunciation & phonics
How to answer in English
About me
More about me
My family
My school
More about my school
Hindi alphabet writing
Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Marathi, Arabic letter writing & pronunciation
Science Level-I
Air ship
Rowing boat
Ships run on winds
Space shuttle
Wood door
Wood furniture
Wood house
Sail boat
House protect us from rain and wind
There are different rooms in a house
Things in bathroom
Stair case
Class room
Domestic animals
Wild animals
Bird homes
Aquatic mammals
Pet animals
The animals which carry load
Science Level-II
Living and non living things
Parts of plants
How do plants and animals change
How can you care for plants and animals
Sense organs
Earth Science
Resources from Earth
Water is a resource
Uses of metal
How do we use land
Care our nature
Care for Earth
Physical Science
What are some kinds of objects
How can you describe object
What are objects made of
How else can you describe object
Float and sink
Horizontal addition
Adding 2 digit numbers
Addition with pictures
Adding 2 digit numbers
Horizontal subtraction
Subtraction with pictures
Subtracting 2 digit numbers
Number from 1 to 9
Ordering of numbers
Numbers from 10 to 30
Numbers from 31 to 65
Numbers from 66 to 100
Even and odd numbers
Name of numbers
Count to 10
Count up with pictures
Represent numbers
Numbers – Larger and smaller
Number lines –up to 10
Count forward and backward
Type the missing number
Reading time
Days of the week
Months of the year
Reading clock
Match clocks and times
Read a calendar
Big and small
Long and short
Thick and thin
Tall and short
Heavy and light
Bigger and smaller
Comparison ( Small and big)
Longer and shorter
Comparison ( Long and short)
Heavier and lighter
Comparison (Heavy and light)
Thicker and thinner
Comparison ( Thick and thin)
Taller and shorter
Comparison (Tall and short)
Count sides
Identify shapes
Square, rectangle, circle and triangle
Left and right
Bottom and top
Above and below
Find position
Inside and outside
Musical instruments
Body parts
Activity- 1
Activity- 2
Activity- 3
Rhymes -I
Humpty dumpty
Baa baa black sheep
London bridge
Hot cross buns
Little tea pot
Mary had a little lamb
The wheels of the bus
Jack and Jill
Itsy Bitsy spider
Rhymes -II
Going back to school
Good Manners
Days of the week
Phonic songs2
Rain rain go away
Wheel on the bus
Ten in a bed
Five little ducks
Three little kittens
Sleeping bunnies
Pat a cake Hickory Dickory Dock
Humpty Dumpty
Five little monkeys
The trick of the crow
Cunning snake
Clever cock
Naughty lamb
The cave that speaks
The fight of the tortoise
Clever frog
Bone in throat
Monkey and the crocodile
Geedy crane
The contents are developed based on CBSE, ICSE, Montessori, International and various State syllabuses.
Child psychologists, clinical psychologists, educational experts, renowned teachers, animators, world renowned skill developers, student trainers and software experts have worked for years to develop the unique and unmatched product.
This software is a combo pack includes the numerous topics mentioned below.
This software has seven sectors to ensure the total development of a child. .
Important features of offline products
Our world class offline educational products protect your children from Social media addiction, online games, unwanted web sites, cyber abuses, dark webs, crimes and drug mafia. Use1 year without internet.
1) Languages
To develop language skills including right methods of letter writing, identification of objects and things, pronunciation skills, listening skills and conversation skills. To give strong foundation in English language, we included basic conversation ideas, phonics, word blending, vowel rules and applications, English grammar and related activities etc.
2) Basic Science and GK with multilingual translation facility
To develop Science thoughts, concept analysis and learning, understanding visuals, reasoning and applications, confidence and dynamism. Science covers hundreds of topics as per the syllabus with visuals, pronunciation, pictures, animations, explanations, practicing modules, questions, solutions, activities, answers
3) Mathematics
To develop mathematical skills. This software gives scientific inputs in basics of mathematics, mathematical concepts, reasoning, problem analysing and solving abilities etc. The advanced trial and error method enhances the confidence and annihilates the unwanted fear about mathematics.
4) Advanced science Level -1
To give concept based knowledge about advanced science with animated visuals, videos, notes and verbal explanations. This makes a student most advanced in his knowledge. This keeps him updated with the present and future.
5) Advanced Science Level -2
This area introduces the world renowned 5 phase, three way educational system. The 5 phases are 1. Pre- preparation 2. Confidence booster to interact with teachers in the class room 3.Revison to understand the real concepts and to get the learned lessons rooted in the memory with crystal clarity. 4. Trial and error for better speed, accuracy and perfection 5. Practicing options with various types of questions. The three way learning includes 2D, 3D visuals, scientifically prepared notes and verbal explanation. This is intended to give excellent basics, real concepts and strong foundation on science. The clarity of learning will remain in the brain till the end of a student’s life.
6) Activity zone
This sector is for the total development of the child. Starting from Brain development, Memory multipliers, Colour sense developer, Colour mixing techniques, Creativity boosters, Spelling learner, Talent enhancer, Stories, Skill developer, Time tests , Coordination tests and many other activities which help the children excel in learning, practicing and scoring very high marks in exams.
7) Rhymes
Nursery rhymes are a child’s first experience with words. They help them learn new vocabulary or numeracy. When actions are linked to words in the nursery rhyme, it helps boost motor skills and improves rhythm and movement. They Improve memory, concentration, spatial intelligence, and thinking skills. Rhymes make English language easy, better and fluent. They provoke imagination and ensure smooth learning of English language.
8) Stories
Stories preserve culture and pass on cultural knowledge from one generation to another. In essence, stories keep cultures alive. Stories provide a timeless link to ancient traditions, legends, myths, and archetypes. But they also connect us to the universal truths about ourselves and our world.
Stories can help children learn about concepts such as shape, size, space and colour, up and down, inside and outside, numbers and the names of objects. They can also teach children about everyday tasks.
All the features mentioned above come as a pack in single software, Installable in computers with Windows OS. It is single PC password protected for one computer use. It is a unique product which is very economical, content rich, easy to install, easy to use software used by thousands of schools and students across India and in many other countries.
Software for computers with Windows OS. Licenses are protected by password for single and same computer.