Topic 1: Introduction
Topic 2: Thermal equilibrium
Topic 3: Zeroth law of thermodynamics
Topic 4: Heat, internal energy and work
Topic 5: First law of thermodynamics
Topic 6: Specific heat capacity
Topic 7: Specific heat capacity of water
Topic 8: Thermodynamic state variables and equation of state
Topic 9: Thermodynamic processes-Quasi-static process
Topic 10: Isothermal process
Topic 11: Adiabatic process
Topic 12: Isochoric, isobaric and cyclic process
Topic13: Heat engines
Topic 14: Refrigerators and heat pumps
Topic 15: Second law of thermodynamics
Topic 16: Reversible and irreversible processes
Topic 17: Carnot engine
Multiple choice questions
Questions and answers
Important questions with solutions
Note book