Chapter 4: Carbon and its Compounds

Topic 1: Bonding in carbon- The covalent bond

Topic 2: Structure of methane and carbon tetra chloride

Topic 3: Versatile nature of carbon

Topic 4: Saturated and unsaturated carbon compounds

Topic 5: Chains, branches and rings

Topic 6: Homologous series

Topic 7: Nomenclature of carbon compounds

Topic 8: Chemical Properties of carbon compounds: Combustion

Topic 9: Oxidation

Topic 10: Addition reaction

Topic 11: Substitution reaction

Topic 12:  Some important carbon compounds- Properties of ethanol

Topic 13: Properties of ethanoic acid

Topic 14: Soaps and detergents

Topic 15:  Soaps and detergents in soft and hard water

Topic 16:How soap is made ?

Multiple choice questions

Question and answers

Note book

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